Schema data is a set of structured HTML tags that provide a consistent format for search engines to see what type of data is being displayed, so that they can accurately represent that data in search results....
Read more →Schema data is a set of structured HTML tags that provide a consistent format for search engines to see what type of data is being displayed, so that they can accurately represent that data in search results....
Read more →OnePager is an elegant, clean and responsive portfolio WordPress theme that is great for freelancers, personal, agency and corporate businesses. The design is very clean and contains all features of a modern...
Read more →JalaliJSCalendar is a JavaScript date-picker and calendar widget based on Dynarch DHTML Calendar. The main difference between two is that JalaliJSCalendar supports Persian (AKA Hijri Shamsi) calendar too,...
Read more →JZoopraxiscope is a jQuery plugin for making images animations from static images. Very simple to use, prepare the static sequence. Every frame must have the same width and be attached to his previous...
Read more →Simple Page Ordering is a free WordPress plugin which lets you order your pages (and other hierarchical post types) with simple drag and drop right in the post list. Simply drag and drop the page into...
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