Create Vector Maps With HTML5 & Canvas – Cartegan
Cartegan is an open source HTML5 & Canvas based framework for creating and rendering vector maps, ideal for news channles, reporting agencies & GPS type navigation service providers.
Cartagen draws maps dynamically on the client side and maps can:
- move
- adapt
- redraw
- and can include as many layers of data as needed
Vector mapping is done in native HTML 5 & styled wth GSS (cascading stylesheet specification for geospatial information). Maps created with this open source software use less bandwidth and can run easily on the iPhone and the Android platforms.
Style HTML Form Controls With jQuery
Uniform jQuery Plugin helps you to style HTML form controls like checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs and make them look how you want them to.
Uniform masks your standard HTML form controls with custom themed controls. It works in sync with your real form elements to ensure accessibility and compatibility.
The controls are theme-able and users can design their own theme with theme kit and create most of the code you’ll need using custom theme generator.
It works in all modern browsers and degrades gracefully in IE6.
CSS3 Support For Internet Explorer 6, 7 & 8 With IE-CSS3
IE-CSS3 is a tiny free script that provides support to Internet Explorer for new CSS3 available & upcoming styles.
This script rebuilds non-supported elements in Vector Markup Language (VML), VML supports things that are missing from IE’s CSS implementation like rounded corners and blur effects.
While writing CSS for your websites and applications, you simply needs to add a single line to add CSS3 support for Internet Explorer (IE).
Website: http://fetchak.com/ie-css3/
HTML5 Support For Internet Explorer With Javascript
As Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 do not recognize new HTML5 elements & treat them as void elements. These elements can not wrap their contents, making them impossible to style and spilling their contents into the DOM.
IE Print Protector is a small javaScript code (only 1.86kb) that allows you to use HTML5 elements in Internet Explorer. It works for both screen & print, and helps IE to render HTML5 elements correctly.
For on screen elements:
It uses a shim, a piece of javascript which forces support for HTML5 elements in IE.
To display elements in print:
It temporarily replaces HTML5 elements with supported fallback elements (like div and span).
Website: http://www.iecss.com/print-protector/
Ruby Library To Concatenate Multiple JavaScript Files
Sprockets, an open source ruby library (for Prototype / Scriptaculous) that takes multiple JavaScript files and concatenates them into a single file.
Concatenating your site’s JavaScript means:
- All your source code is cached in the browser on the first hit
- It reduces the number of HTTP requests necessary to load a single page
Users can organize their separate JavaScript source files into directories during development and can add as many comments as they want—they’ll be stripped from the resulting concatenated output automatically.
Every search engine likes a fast loading website and this open source ruby library helps users to achieve desired search engine rankings.
Sprockets is written in Ruby and has no run time dependencies apart from the Ruby standard library.
Website: http://www.getsprockets.org/
Open Source CSS3 Rich Text Editor jQuery Plugin
A web based rich text editor written using jQuery and CSS3 that supports embedded fonts using the @font-face rule in all modern browsers.
The developers have planned to expand the functionality of this rich text editor to support more new CSS3 features such as text-shadow & opacity, etc…
This open source jQuery rich text editor works fine in Internet Explorer 7/8, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.
Website: https://launchpad.net/css3-jrte
Demo: http://www.rickvause.com/css3-jrte/
Download: http://www.rickvause.com/css3-jrte/css3-jrte.tar.gz
Semantic Javascript Autocomplete Component – Autocomplete
Autocomplete is a free semantic JavaScript autocomplete component based on popular YAHOO! User Interface Library.
It’s one-size-fits-all autocompletion JavaScript solution that can be configured for different tasks and different data sets.
Autocomplete is available as an open source software component that can be plugged into a variety of applications.
For more info, visit: http://slashfacet.semanticweb.org/
Beautiful jQuery Image Slider With Awesome Effects
Coin Slider is a beautiful jQuery image slider with awesome transition effects. Coin Slider is flexible in it’s configuration, lightweight (8kb only), build with valid markup and can be easily customized using CSS to create your very own image gallery & slider.
The awesome square transition effects of this free jQuery image slider stands it out and the effect can have multiple variations like random transition order & swirl or rain effect.
This jQuery image slider plugin works with all major browsers & released under MIT license.
Checkout this awesome plugin to experiment your own gallery.
Rapid Prototyping With Flexible CSS Framework: EZ-CSS
EZ-CSS is a free, lightweight and flexible CSS Framework for complex table-less layouts and rapid prototyping. EZ-CSS lets you apply any width you want to containers and gutters.
- has a very small footprint (only 915 bytes) for a fast download time
- facilitates deep nesting
- allows you create multiple columns of any width, with or without a gutter
- is framework agnostic (it integrates well with any other style sheet)
- prevents rounding issues and rounding errors
- creates self-clearing containers (every box will contain floats)
- prevents collapsing margin across all containers
EZ-CSS offers a version for rapid prototyping in which the concept is the same, but markup and CSS rules differ.
Emastic – CSS Framework
Emastic is a CSS Framework, it’s continuing mission: to explore a strange new world, to seek out new life and new web spaces, to boldly go where no CSS Framework has gone before.
- Lightweight (compressed weight less then 4kb)
- Personalized width of the page in (em,px,%)
- Use of fixed and fluid columns in the grid.
- Elastic Layout with “em”s