
Designing User Friendly Websites and Applications with Notify!

Would we be ever able to design products that are so easy and usable that we never need to to train or teach users?

This is a question that I often ask my peers and mentors. Most people agree that we can simplify design but designing a product that is “so intuitive anyone can use it” is like the “product that sells itself” – a rare probability.

Agreed! But I believe there are certain ways designer and developers can employ to design products that are easy to learn and get started with. One of the easy yet unappreciated ways is communicating with users as they interact with an interface. You can use tool tips, notification bars, messages and other unobtrusive tools to provide feedback, give useful tips and hints, or notify about errors. However, one has to be creative and unobtrusive while communicating with users in order to keep both workflow and interface simple and fast.

To make it possible, Greepit has designed Notify, which is a smart and simple jQuery script for notifications.

Notify adds simple notifications bars that you can use on your website and application to assist users while they fill in forms, navigate through pages or interact with interface. These notification bars can be implemented in various fashions

  • Floating Notification Bar
  • Sticky Notification Bar
  • Fixed Notification Bar
  • On-Demand Notification Bar

Notify can be easily plugged into any website or web application and offer a lot of customization – color, style, message, behavior etc. and perfectly blends in with existing design, color scheme and layout.

With the prime purpose to assist users, Notify allows you to add any kind of assistive content – tool tips, step-by-step guide, images, videos, useful link, and content from other sources like RSS, twitter stream etc.

Notify is quick to download, easy to implement and free to share.


  1. Pingback: Designing User Friendly Websites and Applications with Notify! | PHP Ocean

  2. Mohammed Uddin

    I love your plugin it is awesome. Could you make it so that the plugin appears on demand. I know you already have the feature but what i was wondering was that when the notification bar appears that it pushes down. much like the hello bar. I want to bar to stay fixed at the top of the page but i also don’t want the bar to overlap any other element on the page neither. However the open arrow when clicked on i would like that to overlap over other elements i just don’t want the bar itself to overlap over other elements. I have tried to make it work. But it seems that when scrolling the notification bar doesn’t do what i want it to do. Please take a look at this page right here here is what i want it to do please help me as your plugin is very light and the hello bar adds their company branding to the bar.

    this is not my website however the bar does exactly what i want it to do. when scrolling the bar appears over all other elements. and when i am at the top of the page and click the arrow down and make the bar appear it pushes down all other elements so that no any element cannot hide behind the fixed notification bar. please help me.

  3. Jmain

    So far the best styled sticky bar I saw, But I have a question. please let me know how can I customize display message in here,
    Actually am going to use this for .Net website, And would appreciate any once can provide how this plugin access via .net and customize the message.

    Thanks again for sharing this.

  4. Pingback: Weekly Web Design and Development News, Tutorials and Tools - Issue#4 | Greepit

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