As a leading medical and dental search and placement firm, our recruitment process is a comprehensive one ensuring the best people are attracted and identified for any given medical employment. We work with candidates throughout the United States. Our Clients range from large managed care practices to solo practitioners. No search and placement is too large or small for us to handle.
  • Increased productivity
  • We are cost effective and price competitive
  • Fast staffing solutions
  • Identifying the best candidate
  • The right talent to meet your objective
  • Savings of up to half of traditional recruiting costs

Stage 1: Creating the Practice Profile Stage 2: Sourcing, Researching and Analysing Candidates
We meet with you at your practice to thoroughly understand your business and its structure - your mission/vision, the people, systems, processes and procedures as well as your long term goals and objectives of the practice. We develop a position description for the medical job and set the position criteria. This is a very important part of our medical recruitment process where we thoroughly research and analyse the suitability of the candidates. Our interview process consists of a detailed analysis of the candidate to ensure that their career plan, goals, personality, skills and experience compliments the culture, goals and objectives of the practice and the core competencies of the role.
Stage 3: Assessment of Skills Stage 4: Reference Verification
To verify the accuracy of a candidate's skills and personality, we are able to conduct a series of assessments e.g. Medical Administration and Reception skills, Customer Service, Personality Profile. We provide you with a detailed and quality workplace reference relating to the candidate's past work history, duties, experience and performance. The candidate's referee is also given a detailed description of the role they have applied for and the duties and responsibilities contained within the role. This is to ensure the accuracy and quality of the reference, with specific relevance to the role.
Stage 5: Performance Management Review & Development
Once the new employee commences in the role, it is important to monitor and evaluate their performance on an ongoing basis, to provide quality feedback and to continue to develop their skills and knowledge within the role. This is valuable to you as an employer as it creates a motivated and enthusiastic employee and enables you to establish effective goals and objectives within the role, that contribute and lead to the overall success of the practice.