Essential JavaScript And jQuery Design Patterns: A Free Ebook
AddyOsmani has recently released a Free Ebook for JavaScript developers, titled Essential JavaScript & jQuery Design Patterns For Beginners.
Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software development and are a very useful tool to have at your disposal.
This Free Ebook is very helpful for those JavaScript developers who may not have had a chance to explore just yet.
Load Your Ads Asynchronously With jQuery LazyLoad Ad
jQuery LazyLoad Ad plugin load your ads asynchronously to decrease your page load time. This plugin is built to have the best compromise between a good page load and advertising display.
- Highly improve general page load
- Ad appears when user scrolls the page
- Compatibility with AdSense and many other advertisers
- Forget iFrame calls
Full Screen Background Slideshow jQuery Plugin: Supersized
Supersized is a jQuery plugin that automatically resizes background images to the size of the browser and runs them as a slideshow.
No whitespaces, no scrollbars and the entire browser window is always filled while maintaining image dimension ratio. It is lightweight and plays nice with all browsers.
Best jQuery Syntax Highlighter Plugin With 39 Color Schemes: Snippet
Snippet is a jQuery syntax highlighter plugin built on top of the SHJS with native support for 15 popular languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and XML. It can be extended to support 24 additional languages.
This syntax highlighter plugin provides a quick and easy way of highlighting source code passages in HTML documents. It comes with 39 different styles (color schemes) for highlighting your code.
Fly Off Page: Make Your Selected Elements Fly Off The Page
Fly Off Page is a jQuery plugin that will take selected elements and make them fly off the page in a random or pre-defined direction.
Customizable options include duration (of the animation), direction, tween (extend animation) and ‘retainSpace’ which allows you to retain, disregard or animate-out the space that the specified element once took up.
Simple and Minified jQuery Content Slider: Hash Slider
Hash-Slider is a simple and minified (2.2kb only) jQuery-based content slider does what the most jQuery sliders do, but it adds a hashtag to the window location, so you can link to any content / position of the slider.
- Styleable via CSS
- Mouse wheel integration
- Direct links to slider postion via hash tag
- Automatic generated number navigation
- Content could be everything
Make And Receive Phone Calls Directly In Your Browser With Phono
Phono is a simple jQuery plugin and JavaScript library that turns any web browser into a phone; capable of making phone calls and sending instant messages. You can even connect to SIP clients; all with a simple unified API.
The Phono SDK provides an object-oriented JavaScript API for embedding two-way audio and chat onto any web page. It is pure client-side solution and requires zero server-side logic.
With few lines of code you can make and receive phone calls directly in your browser using your existing JavaScript skills.
Customizable Sliding Notifications jQuery Plugin: SlideNote
SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application.
You can specify how far down the user must scroll before the notification slides into view and side of the screen the notification will slide in.
jQuery sliding notifications plugin works with all major browsers including IE8.
Easy To Use Form Validation Script: jQuery Formation
Formation is a jQuery validation plugin that allows you to quickly create a form with validation without writing any HTML.
You simply specify the container you wish to append the form to. By passing a few parameters into one of the formation function calls you can add different validations such as number, e-mail, url, phone number, or zip code.
- Easily render form markup with a few function calls.
- Form validation (required,numbers only, e-mail, url, etc)
- Optional custom error messages for validation
- Cross browser validation script
- Table-less HTML
Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets: jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile is a user interface framework, built on top of jQuery, designed to simplify the process of building applications that target mobile devices.
jQuery mobile framework takes the “write less, do more” mantra to the next level: Instead of writing unique apps for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework will allow you to design a single highly branded and customized web application that will work on all popular smartphone and tablet platforms.
jQuery Mobile is built completely around the principle of progressive enhancement: taking a fully functional HTML web page, layering on additional JavaScript functionality, and giving capable browsers a top-of-the-line experience.
It uses HTML 5 and CSS 3 features to provide the best possible experience in the most-capable browsers, it degrades well for the non-capable browsers.