Revolver – An excellent open source solution to display images
Revolver (Fast Image Rotation Engine) is an excellent open source solution that can display images in cyclical fashion. It is simple, versatile and ideal for displaying a portfolio as a photoblog or a simple image gallery.
- Is free and open source
- Controls start and stop playback
- Is simple and easy to install and configure
- Does not require database
- Occupies only 3k
- Allows images to future
- Background can also be customized in others
Website: http://www.tubatomic.com/revolver/
Demo: http://www.tubatomic.com/revolver/demo
GoogieSpell – An AJAX Spell Checker Like Gmail
GoogieSpell is a spell checker that you can use in your own web-application.
GoogieSpell features:
- Support for around 27 languages
- Well tested and works on IE 5.5, IE 6.0, IE 7, FF 1.0+, Safari, Opera etc.
- Generic, extendable and easy to install
- AJAX based (without page-reloading)
- Used over 500.000 times on Orangoo Spell
- Lightweight (around 50 KB)
- Well documented
- With GoogieSpell Multiple it’s possible to spell check multiple text fields at once
Website: http://orangoo.com/labs/Main/
Demo: http://orangoo.com/labs/GoogieSpell/
Download: http://orangoo.com/labs/GoogieSpell/Download/
Documentation: http://orangoo.com/labs/GoogieSpell/Documentation/
Flapi – A Free Open Source Flash Gallery
Flapi is an open source Flash image gallery that uses the popular Flickr photo service to manage the images. You can easily integrate the viewer in your weblog, website or even in a Flash file to show your Flickr photo sets.
The viewer is easily customizable via an XML file that describes the various options:
- which pictures or sets you’d like to display
- if it should be as a slideshow
- the colors
- if there are thumbnails and such.
If you are web-savvy and wish to change the viewer even more you can download the original Flash source file and start hacking our code.
Website: http://flapi.f4l.be/
Demo: http://flapi.f4l.be/examples.html
Download: http://flapi.f4l.be/download.html
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
Rather than standard website templates, a free admin template is nearly impossible to find.
This is an admin template which you can use for web applications like:
- E-commerce projects
- Content management systems
- And more..

Free Admin Template For Web Applications
It is a 3 column design with a tabbed menu. The idea is having the standard categories in the tab menu for an easy reach and have all the detailed ones in the left menu. And there is an info box at the right to inform users what’s going on at that page.
You can customize it however you want to fit your project. It has a listing and a new entry sample which covers %99 of an admin screen.
It is totally free to use the template, no backlinks or anything required.
Icons used are famfamfam icons.
Check out the demo here at greepit’s server:
Download Files from greepit.com
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Dojo The Javascript Toolkit – Great Experiences For Everyone
Dojo is an Open Source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript. It builds on several contributed code bases (nWidgets, Burstlib, f(m)), which is why we refer to it sometimes as a “unified” toolkit. Dojo aims to solve some long-standing historical problems with DHTML which prevented mass adoption of dynamic web application development.
Dojo allows you to easily build dynamic capabilities into web pages and any other environment that supports JavaScript sanely. You can use the components that Dojo provides to make your web sites more usable, responsive, and functional. With Dojo you can build degradable user interfaces more easily, prototype interactive widgets quickly, and animate transitions. You can use the lower-level APIs and compatibility layers from Dojo to write portable JavaScript and simplify complex scripts. Dojo’s event system, I/O APIs, and generic language enhancement form the basis of a powerful programming environment. You can use the Dojo build tools to write command-line unit-tests for your JavaScript code. The Dojo build process helps you optimize your JavaScript for deployment by grouping sets of files together and reuse those groups through “profiles”. You can see dojo in action or download the dojo toolkit here.
The Free and Fast Image Rotation Engine – Revolver
Revolver is a fast image rotation engine and can be used as a clean, simple way to showcase a design portfolio, sketchbook, photoblog, or simple image gallery. Uses abound. Be creative, invent your own.
Benefits And Features:
- Revolver is entirely free and Open Source
- 100% advertisement free
- RSS feed
- Play and stop slide show controls
- Extremely simple image management technique
- Easy no hassle installation process
- No database required
- Minimal file size, around 3k
- No admin or login information needed
- Pre-date images for future release
- Customizable background colors to coordinate with each image
- No clutter or user interface to customize
- Default HTML code is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
A Multiplatform And Open-Source Programming Language
haXe is an open source programming language. While most of the other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to the JVM, C# to .Net, ActionScript to the Flash Player), haXe is a multiplatform language.
You can use haXe to target the following platforms :
- Javascript : You can compile a haXe program to a single
file. You can access the typed browser DOM APIs with autocompletion support, and all the dependencies are resolved at compilation time. - Flash : You can compile a haXe program to a
file. haXe can compile for Flash Players 6 to 9, with either “old” Flash<8 API or newest AS3/Flash9 API. haXe offers very good performance and language features to develop Flash content. - NekoVM : You can compile a haXe program to NekoVM bytecode. This can be used for server-side
for Apache) and also for commandline or desktop applications, since the NekoVM can be embedded and extended with some other DLL. programming such as dynamic webpages (using - PHP : You can compile a haXe program to
files. This enable you to use a high level strictly-typed language such as haXe while keeping full compatibility with your existing server platform and libraries.
The idea behind haXe is to let the developer choose the best platform to do a given job. In general, this is not easy to do because every new platform comes with its own programming language. What haXe provides to you is :
- a standardized language with many good features
- a standard library (including
…) that works the same on all platforms - platform-specific libraries : the full APIs for a given platform are accessible from haXe
Invoicing Made Simple With Simple Invoices!
imple Invoices is Free/Open Source Software, community developed, and designed to get the job done. There is no hype, no buzz words, and no features you are never going to use. It’s aimed at freelancers, or small businesses and non-profit organizations that need casual invoicing.
Quick and nice looking invoices without having to set up to much. Install the software, enter a biller, a customer and go nuts creating invoices!
Export to PDF
Export to Microsoft Word, Excel or plain text
Total invoices
Itemised invoices
Multiple invoice types
Consulting invoices
Invoice templates – Be able to select(or create) different layouts for your invoices
Invoice preferences – Enables you to define and customise all the wordings on the invoices
jobberBase Is A Great Open-Source Job Board Software
If you have been wanting a job board as seen on some of the popular blogs, then jobberBase might be the solution that will get you started. jobberBase is a free job listing software which is very suitable for creating a single-industry job board.
JobberBase Features:
- Post jobs without an account.
- Search for jobs.
- Apply to interesting jobs.
- Administration panel.
- RSS feeds.
- Site-widget to show jobs on other sites
- And much more…
jobberBase is an open source job board and requires PHP, MySQL to run. You can download it here. You can use it, free of charge, for anything you like (including commercial applications); but please keep the copyright and license remarks.
JonDesign’s Open-Source SmoothSlideshow Javascript Gallery System
JonDesign’s SmoothSlideshow javascript gallery system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading…) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website by using mootools v1.11. This library open-source and free under GPL license. You can download it from here!
Unlike other systems out there, JonDesign’s SmoothGallery is designed from the ground up to be standard compliant: You can feed it from any document, using custom css selectors. And even better, this solutions is very lightweight: The javascript file is only 24kb.
Using a flash based solution, search engines won’t see your content nor links. While JonDesign’s SmoothSlideshow will resolve your this problem. There are alot of reasons that you may consider it instead of flash-based solutions. Here’s is the detailed featurelist you can see or let’s see the demo.