Movim is a open source social network software project and as such will provide all the common elements of other social networks like Facebook, Diaspora or Jappix. You'll have a wall, an instant messaging...
Read more →Movim is a open source social network software project and as such will provide all the common elements of other social networks like Facebook, Diaspora or Jappix. You'll have a wall, an instant messaging...
Read more →Whether you are looking to create a niche question and answer site for comic book collecting or looking for a knowledge base solution for your intranet, Coordino is here for you. Coordino is an open...
Read more →jqmPhp is a package of PHP classes that works as an HTML code generator for jQuery Mobile Framework. All classes in the jqmPhp package can be converted to string and printed with an echo function. [rss]Special...
Read more →Recommended: Best Image and Text Based Captcha Solutions PlayThru is the next evolution of online human verification and the best CAPTCHA replacement around. Its a simple CAPTCHA alternative that stops...
Read more →Responsive design is becoming an expected standard for web designers and developers. Responsive WordPress Theme is build to adapt the client dimensions and to look great on both desktop and mobile browsers. This...
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