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jQuery-HTML5 Form Validation Plugin: html5form

HTML5 validates forms without any additional Javascript but currently, WebKit browsers (Safari & Chrome) can handle webForms 2.0 forms without any Javascript and plugin.

This HTML5 form validation plugin adds form validations to HTML5 forms for non-Webkit browsers. It gets all the information from the HTML source and runs automatically when detects Internet Explorer, Opera or Mozilla Firefox. However, you can force it to work with all browsers to get additional customization.


You just need to create your form according the HTML5 syntax and the script will execute itself. It does not require extra classes.

  • Your blog is one of the most useful resources for webworkers I know! Thanks for sharing all that good stuff!

    Regards from Germany

  • Sorry to say, but this is one of the poorer examples of form validation that I have scene. There is absolutely no visual feedback. It still has a way to go and you would still need to back this up with server-side validation.

  • If you’ll be validating the form on your server, then why use JQuery? Better question, though, why not validate the whole thing on the browser with your jquery?!

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