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CSSButton: Online Tool to Create Usable, Stunning CSS3 Buttons


When it comes to developing websites or applications for the web, there are 101 ways to speed up your development cycle by embedding ‘ready-made’, free and open source resources in your project. It actually saves a lot of time and effort that you would otherwise spend on tasks that do not related to your core requirements. For instance, I would abhor creating buttons for my application or website for each new project. I would rather generate them instantly using free, online tools like CSSButton.

CSSButton is an online tool for web professionals for creating usable and stunning CSS3 buttons. It is also a learning tool, to help people understand visually how their CSS is going to work out.

You have 3 different options to start from:

  • Create from scratch
  • Use templates
  • Try CSS button generator

The CSS builder will help you style just about any element you’d like to transform into CSS, however it has been tailored to buttons with pseudo classes, transitions, and more.

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