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HTML5-based Open Source Personal Music Server: Streeme

Streeme is an open source personal music server that allows you to listen to you entire MP3 based home music collection anywhere with an internet connection.

HTML5-based Open Source Personal Music Server

This personal music server is built on HTML5, it works fine with all modern browsers and on many smartphone handsets.


  • Unlimited playlists
  • On the fly MP3/OGG transcoding and Bitrate modification
  • Web standards based HTML 5 user interface
  • Mobile and Desktop optimized – use on your phone or web browser


Full Featured Standalone JavaScript Slider: TinySlider 2

Tiny Slider 2 is a tiny(3KB), full-featured and standalone JavaScript slider, easily configurable and visually customizable using CSS. It accepts any content and gracefully degrades when JavaScript isn’t available.

Full Featured Standalone JavaScript Slider


  • Automatic rotation with the option to auto-resume
  • Direction toggle (vertical or horizontal)
  • Fluid motion and an elastic tween option
  • Continuous sliding without rewind


Commonly Used And Minified CSS Reset Scripts: CSS Reset

A CSS Reset is a short, often compressed (minified) set of CSS rules that resets the styling of all HTML elements to a consistent baseline.

Every browser has its own default user agent stylesheet, that it uses to make unstyled websites appear more legible. Using a CSS Reset, users can force every browser to have all its styles reset to null, thus avoiding cross-browser differences as much as possible.

Commonly Used And Minified CSS Reset Scripts

CSSReset.com is a place containing commonly used and CSS Reset Scripts. Every CSS Resets has documentation and discussion about it, with some pros and cons.

You can copy the full or minified version of each CSS Reset, or use the hosted API link to get them directly from the server.


Flexible, Extensible And XSLT Powered Open Source CMS : Symphony

Symphony is a XSLT Powered web-based content management system (CMS) that enables users to create and manage websites and web applications of all shapes and sizes—from the simplest of blogs to bustling news sites and feature-packed social networks.

XSLT Powered Open Source Content Management System

Symphony is engineered to be immanently flexible. It allows you to define the types of content you’ll manage, the structures that will deliver that content to the front end, and the templates that will transform it into various formats for your users.


HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Application Development Framework: The-M-Project

The-M-Project is an HTML5 JavaScript Framework for writing cross-platform mobile applications for Android, PalmWebOS, BlackBerry and iOS.

It lets application developers write code once and run it on every HTML5 ready smartphone: easy deployment on your web server, no app store fees and the ability to create application with a rich user experience.

HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Application Development Framework

This HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Application Framework is written in pure JavaScript and built with MVC in mind.

It comes with many useful features including:

  • Data Binding
  • Wrapper for HTML5 LocalStorage persistence
  • A collection of UI Elements (Label, TextField, Toolbar, ScrollView, TabBar and some others)
  • Multi-device capable rendering based on jQuery mobile


Multiple File Upload Plugin: jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload is an open source extensible jQuery plugin that supports multiple file upload with lots of useful features including drag and drop, upload progress indicator and cross-site file uploads.

Multiple File Upload Plugin

jQuery File Upload implementation is based on open standards like HTML5 and JavaScript and requires no additional browser plugins. This plugin uploads files via XMLHttpRequests (if supported) and uses iframes as fallback for legacy browsers.

It is compatible with any server-side application platform and works well with Google App Engine (Python, Java), Ruby on Rails, PHP and any other platform that supports HTTP file.


Ajax Star Rating jQuery Plugin: jRating

jRating is a flexible jQuery plugin for creating star rating systems with complete Ajax treatment.
jRating is very easy and simple to use, with many options and methods.

It comes with great flexibility and you can set the star size, number of stars and maximal rate.

Ajax Star Rating jQuery Plugin: jRating

Recommended: Open Source Feedback Collection and Polling Widget


Create Beautiful, Effective Call-to-Action Button In Seconds

A call-to-action button is one of the most important parts of any web page, displaying the primary action you want people to take.

Good call-to-action buttons stand out, often contrasting with the page they’re on.

Create Beautiful, Effective Call-to-Action Button In Seconds

With this free online button designer, design your beautiful call-to-action button, build it and you will get an email containing the button javascript code to install it on your web site.


Hot Keys / Key Shortcuts Made Simple With jQuery jKey

jKey is a tiny plugin by Oscar Godson that makes hot keys and key shortcuts handling much easier.

jKey works with jQuery, so you can select any applicable element to set a key command to. Basically, any element that can be focused on such as an input or textarea can have a key command applied to it.

Hot Keys / Key Shortcuts Made Simple With jQuery jKey

It supports multiple keys and unlike OS key shortcuts, jKey allows you to combo just about any key supported by jKey. The supported keys are:

  • a-z
  • 0-9
  • f1-f12
  • left, down, up, right
  • `, ~, -, _, =, +, [, {, ], }, \, |, ;, :, ‘, “, ,, <, ., >, /, ?
  • esc/escape, insert, delete, home, end, pgup/pageup, pgdn/pagedown, fn/function(3)
  • ctrl/control, alt, shift, backspace/osxdelete(1), enter/return(2), super/windows, capslk/capslock, tab, space/spacebar


Horizontal Accordion jQuery Plugin: zAccordion

zAccordion is an easy to use, fixed-width horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery. The HTML is pretty simple and can be set up to automatically rotate content / images.

zAccordion comes with number of interesting options including:

  • Custom triggers
  • Timeout between the slides
  • Easing option
  • And speed

Horizontal Accordion jQuery Plugin

This free horizontal accordion plugin is built using unordered list and requires minimal markup to setup and running.

Open source icons
Creative and Clean Resume Template