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Best Open Source Free FLV Players

Flash technology enables that 98% of all Internet users can see your videos. No other software makes it easier. Here goes a collection of some good Open Source FLV Players.

MPW Player – Multimedia Web Player

MPW Player is an Open Source player for media files like MP3s and FLVs up. It can be used as video player and audio player.

MPW Player - Open Source Multimedia Web Player

You can change its playback bar background and foreground colors and a thumbnail can also be specified for startup screen.

Website: http://www.miplayweb.com/player

Open Source Embeddable FLV Player – OS FLV

The OS FLV Player is an Open Source, embedable player for Flash native video files. The player provides a large amount of options that can be changed in the embed code, a code generator written in javascript, a library of PHP functions, and, of course, fully open source code!

Open Source Embeddable FLV Player

Website: http://www.osflv.com


Open Source FLV Player

Flowplayer is a GPL licensed video player for Web sites. Use it to embed video streams into your HTML pages. Every aspect of Flowplayer is modularized into plugins. Even the controlbar is a plugin that can be removed or replaced.

Plugins can be moved, resized and animated. You can load and remove plugins on the fly and each plugin is scriptable. You can make your own plugins with JavaScript or ActionScript 3.0. There is a polished API for both languages.

Website: http://flowplayer.org

FLV Player – Play your web movies

Open Source FLV Player

An open source, free and customizable FLV player to play flash movies.

It has 5 different versions that lets you to only use a “play button” or a player. Here are the versions:

  • mini
  • normal
  • maxi
  • multi
  • js

Note: The FLV must be at version 1.1. Remember to convert youtube, dailymotions videos… otherwise you wouldn’t see any progress bar, loop.

Website: http://flv-player.net

JW FLV Media Player

JW FLV Media Player

The JW FLV Player is the Internet’s most popular and flexible media player. It supports playback of any format the Adobe Flash Player can handle (FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG and GIF). It also supports RTMP, HTTP, live streaming, various playlists formats and support javascript API.

This player is free for personal use and license needed for commercial uses.

Website: http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/jw-flv-player/


  • I also suggest checking out Kaltura – http://www.kaltura.com – an open source video platform.

  • I love both Flowplayer as well as JW FLV (now Longtail). Does anyone know if Flowplayer will play mp4?

  • None of the above supports Ogg Theora (.ogg) video files. :-(

    Anyone knows of any Flash based player capable of playing both FLV and Theora?.

    PS: Missing from your list is JARIS, my personal favourite and also open source

    • There is Open Source HTML5 Media Player OSM Player that supports Ogg Theora (.ogg), flv and mp4…
      OSM is a flash based player as well.

  • Thank you for sharing your link with us

  • [...] back to Flowplayer (needs the Flash plugin and plays h.264, flv and mp4) or Cortado (Java applet that plays Ogg video [...]

  • [...] Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet BoxVideo JS is a JavaScript-based open source HTML5 video player. Its an image-less lightweight video player with fallback support to Flowplayer (see greepit post). [...]

  • [...] Video JS is a JavaScript-based open source HTML5 video player. Its an image-less lightweight video player with fallback support to Flowplayer (see greepit post). [...]

  • Any player with a liberal open source license ? (mit etc…)

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