Effecient Project Management With TeamLab
TeamLab is an open-source software for business collaboration and project management. It allows you to use social networking tools such as blogs and forums, organize business tasks and milestones, as well as communicate with your team members via corporate IM.
- Create and manage existing projects
- Tasks & Milestones management
- Chat with your colleagues in real-time
TeamLab is written in ASP.NET / MySQL and can be used as a hosted service or its open source alternative allows you to deploy it on your own servers.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by bkmacdaddy designs, esarfraz and Dr. Jim Steffen, Hadel S. Ma'ayeh. Hadel S. Ma'ayeh said: RT @bkmacdaddy Effecient Project Management With TeamLab – http://bit.ly/9h9rs2 [...]
I was just curious as to the origins of the name/word “effecient”. I presume it’s not just a misspelling of the word “efficient” … because that would be clearly indicate a credibility issue on your part. So how did you choose that name and why? Just wondering.
The ‘effecient’ has the same meaning as ‘efficient’, the only difference is: ‘effecient’ is being used to show a ‘gaming kind of experience’.