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Turn HTML Tables Into Advanced Editable Components

EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of code are required to get your first table up and running.

You can use the EditableGrid library in two ways:

  1. Hook up to an existing HTML table
  2. Build your grid from an XML description of the table structure and contents

Turn HTML Tables Into Advanced Editable Components


  • Built-in validators for columns of type integer, double, url, email and date
  • Open Flash Chart integration to render charts from the grid data
  • PHP binding: build your grid in PHP and let it generate the XML file
  • Column sorting & filtering of the grid



  • This is an excellent find!

    • Thanks Faisal.

      Stay tuned :)

  • [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Pablo Lara H, esarfraz. esarfraz said: Turn HTML Tables Into Advanced Editable Components http://bit.ly/d83YIA [...]

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