
Handle Base 64 Data URIs In Stylesheets: Spritebaker

For every file your browser tries to load it will send a HTTP-request to the web-server. Every request takes some time, which means that a lot of external resources can slow down loading-time of your website.

One way to deal with this problem is to use CSS-sprites. Another way is to use Data URI sprites: embed all images and fonts directly into your CSS and they will be loaded together with the CSS after one single HTTP-request.

Handle Base 64 Data URIs In Stylesheets

Spritebaker parses your CSS and returns a copy with all external media “baked” right into it as Base64 encoded datasets.

The number of time consuming http-requests on your website will be decreased significantly, resulting in a massive speed-boost (server-side gzip-compression must be enabled).

  • [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike Amundsen, Frontend.Pro. Frontend.Pro said: Handle Base 64 Data URIs In Stylesheets: Spritebaker – http://bit.ly/cCWdnt [...]

  • [...] Handle Base 64 Data URIs In Stylesheets: Spritebaker [...]

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