
Free Date Range Picker Component For Twitter Bootstrap

A beautifully done free date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap. This date range picker creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates.

If invoked with no options, it will present two calendars to choose a start and end date from. Optionally, you can provide a list of date ranges the user can select from instead of choosing dates from the calendars.


For basic use cases like collecting event or reservation dates, you can attach it to a text input to pop up two clickable calendars to choose dates from. For more advanced use cases, you can attach a date range picker to any element, pre-define your own date ranges for the user to choose from, and set a custom callback function to receive the chosen dates.

The date range picker relies on jQuery, Datejs for parsing strings into dates and defining custom ranges, and the Twitter Bootstrap CSS.

Written by Shahbaz Saleem

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