Archive for the ‘Javascript’ Category

Rounded Corners & Styled Edges with DivCorners jQuery Plugin

If you want to use rounded corners and faded edges in your images then forget about image editing software and give a try to DivCorners, which lets you add rounded corners and styled edges to images with jQuery. This jQuery rounded corners plugin helps users to create desired image effects in more than half the time. Some features [...]

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Create Image Slideshows with jQuery on HTML5 Canvas

Create image slideshows with smooth beautiful animations on HTML5 Canvas with jQuery Canvas Cycle Plugin. It’s very simple to implement and let users easily customize: Transition type & speed Animation effects like Fade, Masking, Zoom If your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas tag, the text will be swapped by the browser. As this is [...]

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Add Lens Flare Effect to Images With jQuery Plugin

Lens Flare, A well known lighting effect for designers, specially for those who work in Adobe Photoshop, is now available for developers with the help of powerful Javascript Library, jQuery. This jQuery based lens flare effect works by distributing various flare images at proportional distances. Lens Flare plugin works fine in all major browsers and [...]

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New jQuery CSS3 Image Gallery With Flash Like Shine Effects

New ‘Oven Hot’ jQuery CSS3 Image Gallery with flash like animated shine effects. Flash is a well known tool for such eye-catching glass animations but it’s now do-able with Shine Time – A jQuery CSS3 Image Gallery. Learn the secrets to create your very own image gallery or simply download the source code and enjoy plugging Shine [...]

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jQuery Easy Slides – Lightweight Image Slideshow Plugin

jQuery Easy Slides is a lightweight (only 2.1kb) image slideshow plugin to create beaitful image slideshows with ease. This free jQuery image slideshow plugin is a favorite one for those users who don’t want to mess with too many options to create a simple slideshow for their website. It follows a very simple structure and provide [...]

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Style HTML Form Controls With jQuery

Uniform jQuery Plugin helps you to style HTML form controls like checkboxes, drop down menus, radio buttons, and file upload inputs and make them look how you want them to. Uniform masks your standard HTML form controls with custom themed controls. It works in sync with your real form elements to ensure accessibility and compatibility. [...]

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HTML5 Support For Internet Explorer With Javascript

As Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 do not recognize new HTML5 elements & treat them as void elements. These elements can not wrap their contents, making them impossible to style and spilling their contents into the DOM. IE Print Protector is a small javaScript code (only 1.86kb) that allows you to use HTML5 elements [...]

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Ruby Library To Concatenate Multiple JavaScript Files

Sprockets, an open source ruby library (for Prototype / Scriptaculous) that takes multiple JavaScript files and concatenates them into a single file. Concatenating your site’s JavaScript means: All your source code is cached in the browser on the first hit It reduces the number of HTTP requests necessary to load a single page Users can [...]

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jQuery Plugin To Add Flash Like Transitions

CJ Flashy Slide show is a free jQuery plugin that creates a photo slide show with flash like transition effects. Flash Slide show is easily customizable and you can configure it to change: Timings Sizing Transparency Shapes Unlike most Flash solutions you do not need to create an external XML file or embed your images [...]

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Implement HTML5 & CSS3 Features With Modernizr

Modernizr is a small, simple yet useful JavaScript library allowing you to use CSS3 & HTML5 features while maintaining control over unsupported browsers. Modernizr uses feature detection to test the current browser against upcoming features like rgba(), localStorage, applicationCache, CSS Transitions, border-radius and many more. Some of the features that Modernizr 1.1 detects are: Geolocation [...]

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